Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am a bad-ass. Or so says my face.

So I am officially an utter retard. It has long been known and recognized in my family that my brother and I have varying degrees of intelligence levels. Me = book-smart. Alex = street-smart. It's just a fact, it's science (mental-high-five Alex... that's a terrible pun on so many levels by the way). I may be able to do calculous at 645 am and get impossibly high marks in political philosophy without attending a single lecture, but he can cross the road without tripping and, as the impending story will reveal, I'm pretty sure he can also manage not to give himself a black-eye.

That's right, folks, I've got a pretty sweet shiner going on. The peripheral vision on my right eye is being significantly obscured by the purple hump I'm rocking on my cheekbone. And just how did I manage to injure myself by myself in a house pretty much void of anything at the moment, besides myself? As much as I would like to insert a sweet Fight Club - esque tale, turns out it's Peace Corps fault. Yes, I said it, for providing me with a smoke alarm that I've been needing to install. Approximately 4-12 inches from the ceiling. Which I thought was a really good idea to do last night around 10pm. Without a ladder. Whilst trying to find a nail from a previous tenant conveniently located in this range. And once finding said nail, attempting to reach on my tippie-toes to pop the sucker on. As it turned out (and as I'm sure you've suspected), the sucker did indeed pop, just not onto the wall and instead right out of my hand on straight onto my eye. Um. Yeah. Ouch.

The thing is I couldn't stop laughing at how much of a complete bafoon I had been thinking that this was the best plan of action. Douche. Bag. To add insult to injury, literally, the only thing I had in my fridge to combat the swelling was half a mika (plastic baggie) of milk. So, there I am, on my back with a sack of milk on my face - which by the way is only closed with a clothes pin and I'm pretty sure was dripping - debating who would have made fun of me more in that moment, my brother or my Dad. Still debating. Thankfully, Nathaniel attempted to cushion my pride by reminding me how bad-ass black eyes are.

(Side-note: Yes, I do realize how many 'that's what she said'-s could have been used in the aforementioned paragraphs... Moving on.)

Spent New Years day in Marrakech visiting some friends I had not seen in foreverrrrrrrr, also known as 6 weeks. We ate. We drank. We were indeed merry. Though I think I was mute for first few hours of interaction due to serious over-stimulation. I did not know what to do with that many Americans and that much English. I was just sitting there with this dumb grin on my face, half-completing un-intelligable sentances about how much I loved them all. I am such a tool sometimes. Thankfully, I eventually emerged from my love-induced coma and had a rockin' time.

Lastly, I am officially moved into my new place! With electricity! Christmas finally came! And Maroc Telecom and I are on speaking terms again. They came today to install everything, but tomorrow is when the connection will finally work. Goodbye Cyber Cafes! Made some spaghetti for lunch (and dinner as it turned out), and might conquer the oven tomorrow with some banana bread. Okay, time to milk my face again. Peace. xx


  1. nice work, Donniell-- this clumsy streak is clearly some kind of homage to your good friend John Freedlund! well wishes from bone cold Chicago


  2. haha,(Triuphmant laugh, much like one a villain would have) I bet this whole time you thought you had recieved the better end of the deal by having the book smarts. because between this and all the times you broke your nose, whether it was falling down the stairs or quickly straighting up after bending over and hitting your nose on the counter (still don't understand that one, ive tried to do that and still see it as physically impossible) I feel as though i am better equipped with the tools to protect myself from harm. granted i may be on the 8 year plan for college, not because of a Masters though, and i may not be able to preform calculas at any time of the day, but..... i doubt i will ever harm my facial features without the assitance of someone else. anyways we should skype sooooon. BYE LOVE YOU

  3. hey- it's kathryn steed from st. andrews- saw your blog link on facebook! it's awesome that you're in morocco, even if it has resulted in a pretty nasty black eye. you just need to come up with a bad-ass story to explain it. with ninjas. ninjas must be involved.


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