Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The need to defrag my brain.

So I've been travelling crap-loads this month and have had an exorbitant amount of time to analyze why I'm not brilliant in Arabic yet. Yes, I'm aware I've only been here six months and admittedly I'm not terribly shabby at the moment, but hot-damn I like being ahead of the curve. I mean, stuffs goin in, kanfhm bzef, but the turn around just isn't there yet. I've got the comprehension of a teenager I reckon, but still speak like a bloody eight year old. Or a mentally impaired teenager. You pick.

Either way, during the aforementioned cross-country bus trips, I've mentally compiled a list of random crap that could happily be dragged to the recycle bin in order to make room for what Arabic does go in to actually stick around and get comfy.

Recycle Bin:

- the ability to say the alphabet backwards
- my friend's home phone #s from middle school and/or high school
- calculus
- all conversion rates that don't include dirhams, ryals, or francs
- automatic emptying of cookies 5 minutes after I browse PerezHilton
- The OC plot line after season 1
- choreographed dances to the past three summers' EF songs

External hard drive to be saved for later:

- Idina Menzel's entire repertoire
- the ability to quote any scene from Anchorman on the spot
- 50 nifty united states and knowing the states in alphabetical order
- the secret menu options at In-N-Out
- the negligible bit of Italian I still retain from Uni
- any and all fashion related lingo
- surprisingly good beer pong skills

to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. i totally still remember all my friends' phone numbers from grade school, too! why do those memories never go away??? i can't even remember what i had for breakfast yesterday!


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