Saturday, April 17, 2010

Eyjafjallajoekull - my current arch nemesis.

Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano - Iceland

This is not a bluff, so don't bother calling it. I will be kicking ass and taking names if this volcano malarkey continues through the end of the month. I have 12 days until my trip to London and no amount of ash, rubble, or glass shard is going to keep this tuchas out of the UK.


My best friend used to have to travel through Reykjavik airport nearly every time she came to and from St Andrews and her home in Manhattan. She used to swear that no good has ever come out of that place, it was the purgatory of all airports, and she loathed each layover more than the last. So far, her theory is correct in my eyes. You've got a lot of ass-kissing to do Iceland. Do work.

Photo courtesy BBC News.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, so true. Banks, the airport and now this. I hope it doesn't keep you, lady. Apparently it can erupt for months..?!



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