This weekend has been a blissful escape to Azrou and Imouzzar for, firstly, Peace Corps safety and security sessions - yes a depressing std/aids video was included - and secondly, a lovely day spent in parks throughout Imouzzar. Good company and a lazy day is seriously what I needed to get motivated for Monday and Darija class. Over the weekend though I think our little group of three realized that we are definitlely ahead of the pack language wise. Which, thank goodness -l'hamdoullah, I needed that to keep me jazzed and focused. We work our butts off in class for 10 hours everyday and its nice to know it's paying off!
I'm realizing more and more everday how diversely beautiful this country is though. Deserts yes, but moutains, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, forests, sunsets, all of it. I love it. And stoked on finding out in 2 weeks what my final site will be. Yippeeee. :).
So word on the street is the Angels and Yankees are both kicking but right now, though. Good to hear! And um, Obama, Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, I like the guy, but really? Already? I need to read the news more. A little difficult to do at the moment, however, so give me some perspective. Also just read he's ending the gay policy in the military?
Two books down and an infinate amount to go. The Art of Crossing Cultures is highly recommended, written by an RPCV, and Kitchen Confidential are crossed off the to-do list. Next victim is yet to be determined but definitely being pondered...
Going to Fez this weekend with the family so definitely excited about that! I haven't purchased anything really since arriving here. I mean, Sim Card obviously, oooo and a coffee maker - a la Katia ;) - and... toilet paper? Yeah, definitely nothing noteworthy. Figure I'll be doing most of my money-wasting when I get my own place in a couple months. Interior decorating here I come! And by that I mean I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to afford a mini-fridge and a bed that's actually raised off the ground. (Yes, there are regulations for this... it has to be high enough that scorpions can't eat my alive.)
Sorry I don't have anything riveting to share but that about that there does it. Mmm hmm. Yep.
By the way, I miss my brother. Write me you jerk!!!! And by that, I mean I love you. Barf.
I would kill - possibly even torture beforehand, with no chance escape in the forseeable future - small, cute, and cuddly things for a fall-flavoured latte right now. Just for the record.
Ohhh yeah, I forgot to mention, this lady from DC who was present during our sessions in Azrou brought us... wait for it... candy corn... mother effing candy corn on Friday. - insert giddy explosion here - Mind you I've despised the cornsyrup concoction up till this point in my life, but American commercialism has never tasted so sweet. I savoured it like democracy itself. Delish.
Peace out boy scouts xx
i like to know that scorpions have to be figured into sleep regulations, and heeeello im writing you right now, and did you know that starbucks has holiday flavored coffee allllllll yeeeeeaaaarrr loooooonnnng, i almost castrated dillon when he told me that because i have be joneson for a peppermint mocha for like two months and he knew this and said.... nothing.