Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Random Bits and Bobs

I had stingray for lunch Sunday. Yeah, I know. It was super tasty, for the record.

The wind is crazy harsh this week. This is the first time we've had electricity for 24 hours.

It feels absolutely nothing like Christmas, freaks me out a little. But, I'm going to get my bake on this week and cook up some awesome-ness for Friday when make-shift celebrating will commence with my site-mate extraordinare Nathaniel and his girlfriend who will hopefully make it into the country today! Darn you London and your snow! (I'm only playing my dear, I love you London, I'd never talk about you behind your back.)

Speaking of London, if all pans out well, I should be spending the last weekend of May in London! Woo-hoo! Those of you who are UK based had better get your buns down there to see me :).

Went to a wedding Sunday evening. Among the highlights: a fight breaking out mid-ceremony, the freaking, like, 6-inch heels the tiny bride was sporting, and the dog orgy my family and I happened upon on the walk home around midnight. Awkwaaaaaard.

Ah yes, and pick-up line of the week goes to... drumroll... 'I might be in Kech soon and we should make... I mean HANGout :)' Yes, that actually comes from a fellow PCV. Hahahah, I love you Jason. Only just beat out the guy who who was whispering to me in French the entire way home from the Dar Chebab the other night. Oh, or the old wrinkly man with three teeth who winked at me and saved me a seat on the bus on the way home from Kech yesterday; I sat on the floor in the back of the bus. My ass still has burn marks from the engine right below me blasting heat on my rump.

I've been thinking of things you people can send to me by the way! Seriously starting to wish I brought less underwear and more books. Magazines! Rollingstone, Newsweek, and InStyle are top of the list but seriously anything will do! Those of you brits.....somebody please send me a huge bag of Tetley's Tea! And a hot water bottle! Mother of God my feet are cold at night. Fun socks are always appreciated :). Those are pretty much the 'needs' at the moment, but feel free to add what you please! All contributions will be responded to with equally awesome stuff from my current home :). Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. For hot water bottles, I would suggest filling Javeeel bottles with boiling water before you go to bed. Or glass liquor bottles if you've been hshuuuuuma and brought them home.

    Happy Christmas,
    Colleen (07-09 Tahannoute)


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