Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ground Control to Major Tom

My friend Matt - whose blog can be checked out via the links on the right - recently wrote a post about competition and rivalries within the PCV community - in regards to whoever 'roughs-it' more is somehow a more valid PCV than another. I'll let you read his blog in order to weigh in on that argument, but it got me thinking how my own home stacks up against others within the PCV world.

At one point or another, every person I've spoken to on Skype has wanted a virtual tour of my home here in Sedona-miz. And though I do have internet in my house, my computer is attached to at least three cords and the telephone at any given time. Thus, not the most portable thing to lug around in a spur of the moment interest in my living quarters.

So, after doing a massive clean yesterday - which included squeegeeing water from one end of the house to the other and out through a tiny mouse hole - I felt motivated enough to do a little video tour which can now be viewed below. I apologize in advance for my utter awkwardness.

My Home in Morocco:

And for comparison's sake:

A PCV's Hut in Zambia:

A PCV's Apartment in China:


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I enjoyed your tour. Your cat scared me a little because I was like, "What in the world is that on the window." Then I saw it move. lol

    Hope all is well!

  2. My internet is too crappy to load this video in time before I have to COS...that makes me a super hardcore PCV right? Right MATT?


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