Monday, November 9, 2009

Phase one - complete

Setting the scene: tummy full of fish, peas, and potatoes; perfect beachside weather; four of us staring intently at our laptops; some bananagrams action happening to my left; all american rejects 'hope it gives you hell' in surround sound. (though, that last bit I'm struggling not to judge too much, Sam.) We've just arrived back in Mehdia after completing CBT. Apparently, I'm capable of living independently, teaching English, working with NGOs, and clearly ordering lunch in Darija according to the US Government. Boo-ya.

This does mean, however, that I've had to leave the town I've called home for the last two months. Despite my initial reaction of 'holy mother of God this place is a dump,' I've grown to love that town and its people, including their lack of rubbish collection. Well, everything but that I suppose. Those of you who know me well know that I am NOT, I repeat N. O. T. a public cryer. I think I've done it maybe 3-5 times my entire life. Yet saying goodbye to my host mom and grandma made me look like a freaking fire hydrant. They both looked at me with these puppy dog we'll-never-see-you-again eyes and I lost it. Plus, she sent me off with a fantastical chocolate chip bundt cake (in tupperware! yippe!), the woman deserved the tears.

After saying goodbye the fam at 7am, I headed over to where the taxi was meeting us and saying goodbye to the students we've worked with, the friends we've made, and the families we became a part of in just a nine week period of time was hard. Definitely going to visit and all, but I am kind of on the other end of the country. Morocco is roughly the size of California, so it's kind of like making the trek from Orange County to San Francisco. Ballpark. A local proverb states 'lli fat mat' which roughly translates as 'what's done is done,' so I'm looking at the situation fondly, and looking forward to what's coming up 'cus it looks pretty awesome folks.

So now that I have full delightful access to the internet for a couple days, here come some pictures people!!

... or they will be coming as the internet is being poo-poo right now.


  1. Early Congrats on the swearing in on Thursday honey! Love you and we're so proud of you! Hope you love your new destination, it sounds wonderful! Love you, Mom

  2. Honestly, is Sam still playing that song? You must listen to the latest -- "Hey, Soul Sister" -- and if you judge that as harshly as you judge the All American Rejects, well, then Donniell -- you are a truly great blogger, but you have dodgy taste in music....


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